Sunday, October 16, 2011


Last year I decided to take some salsa classes. Not because I wanted to hit the clubs, or try something new, or get in shape. The real reason was a woman. And not any woman, but my much better half.

So on a Friday night I put myself together and went to a class for beginners. In pure personal style, we were 15 minutes late. The teacher had already explained something and about 25 couples were trying some very complicated steps which in salsa are called “the basic moves”.

I tried to imitate what everyone else was doing, but my two left feet wouldn't listen. One, two, three here, five, six, seven there... So I panicked. Luckily I was quickly reassured that I will dance with HER the whole night and it’s fine if I don't quite master the steps. I was relieved, but my jubilation was short lived as 30 seconds later, the teacher shouted:

- “Change partners!”

The person I trust most on this planet, who I go to bed with every night and who has all my credit cards, looked me in the eyes, smiled, waved and before I knew it she was in the arms of the big guy next to me. And to make matters even worse, a gorgeous girl landed in front of me expecting to be pleasantly entertained. I was horrified!

Now there’s something interesting about salsa and I guess about most dances. The man has to lead!!! The very profound question is, how can you lead if you don't know where you’re going? Well, as 25 girls found out that night, you can’t. You just look like a headless chicken and make a fool of yourself. I knew I wasn't doing very well, but I was permanently convinced when the teacher came to give me a personal lesson. Twice!

After nearly an hour of humiliation I went home and couldn't even have dinner. That night I didn't get much sleep either. And I thought dancing was supposed to be fun!

I’ve observed another very interesting phenomenon that night. It’s very difficult to take the right decision under extremely stressful circumstances. For some reason at the end of the class I signed up for the whole 8 week long course. I can’t quite remember how…

My emotions settled a bit as the time went on, but about a week later, I started getting that adrenaline rush again. And then when Friday came, all I could think of was how to run away… But there was no escape… I had to go through nearly the same experience again. Maybe this time a bit less painful for some lucky girls who managed to avoid me.

Since then I’ve been there a few more times. It’s going a bit better, but I still can’t “feel it” and I don’t quite enjoy it. Too much counting! Not enough randomness. I thought dancing was supposed to help you release your energies and let go. It’s not doing that at all! At least not yet.

I sometimes bump into some of these salsa girls in town. They always smile when they see me. No hard feelings.

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