Saturday, July 16, 2011

My Work Here Is Done

An ultrasound scan revealed this little baby human yesterday. He’s been having fun in his mother’s womb for nearly 14 weeks now. He’s 7 cm long and he’s got little feet and hands and a big nose like his father’s. And he’s very playful, jumping and kicking like a monkey. It actually took the sonographer quite a few attempts to take this photo.

I must say, as someone who’s been quite reluctant and almost terrified of the whole baby business idea, seeing the little one for the first time was quite emotional... Actually, my better half was laughing and crying at the same time. Life really is a miracle...

But as I was sitting there, I realised that from a natural or evolutionary point of view, I have now fulfilled my meaning... I have given my small contribution to the survival of my species and as of now, I’m slowly going to be sidelined. Yes, I know that the mother needs support, that the baby would benefit from having a father who can protect and provide for the family... the whole hunter-gathered thing. However, the point I’m trying to make is that I’m not essential anymore. I don’t even know if I ever was, but I used to look at myself in the mirror with admiration and respect: “You sir, have the key! The missing ingredient! The XY chromosome! The power!”. Well, not anymore!

And what’s even more interesting, it’s not only that I’m slowly being made redundant from my male job, but I’ll have to get used to being ignored by the person I love most. And that’s for the rest of my life.

But maybe I should be more optimistic. I read somewhere that in some species the female devours the male after mating. Well, I’m still alive, but to be honest I haven’t had a good night’s sleep for a while... I have to be vigilant.
I’ve asked my GP what my role was as an expectant father... “You know... just stick around. You’ve done the important bit”, he said.
My work here is done, my friends!

But fear not! For I have a plan. I will befriend the baby as soon as he/she arrives, shower him/her with love, care and attention and make him/her think that I’m really important, irreplaceable even (although we all know the truth)! It’s a perfect plan. So inspired. So devious. Yet, so simple. They don’t call me The Prince of Darkness for nothing!


  1. that shower-him/her-with-love-care-attention thing is the perfect plan, indeed... just have to find a man for the job;)

  2. As I took my time to digest the reality of you and Georgi being pregnant and contemplating some of the things you mentioned above, I realized OMG my time is near. Yet I will not paninc, I would rather give you some bad news: your job is not done, actually it only has begun. Basicaly, there are two more things you need to do, and it will take you your whole life:
    1. Teaching the hunting and gathering skills
    and most important:
    2. Pass on the complex social skills needed to survive, in other words teach him/her how to think.
    I know you being a very good thinker, however teaching thinking is a whole other matter.
    EVOLUTION came a long way, it not just about hunting and gathering and peeing on the fire (in case you had a fire to begin with)
    So, good luck with that, we will talk about how it went in a few decades.

  3. well, if you shower him/her with all the nice things you mentioned you will make yourself irreplaceable for real...the new life will be shaped with care and love...what can be more awesome? do not fear...

  4. I really think that the most beautiful part of your life is about to begin.And will culminate with the miracle of birth,the true meaning of life.You will be there when he/she will take those first steps,you will be there whe he/she will call you with the most beautiful words that a human being can hear ,the word Mother and Father.

  5. Tooooo happy for u cheap sheeeep ;)

