Saturday, January 16, 2010

2009 in 12 Pictures

January - First Snow

February - Bilbao

March - Stonehenge

April - Cornwall

May - Vancouver

June - 10 Years Since Highschool

July - Norway

August - Greece

September - Camping in Cotswolds

October - Paris

November - Happy Birthday

December - Romania. Happy New Year!


  1. in 2010... first, second... ninth, SURPRIZE! Game over:))

  2. He he he. My one and only reader strikes again.
    But did I tell you that Durex and Bridgestone have joined forces to make the extra think condom using the same rubber they use in Formula 1? And I'm using two of those! :) :) :)
    So I guess it's not game over yet!

  3. florinel cel smecherel24 April, 2010 10:05

    Veo que te caminas bastante chico...Eres muy suerte

  4. I have to do it now before I get some "little surprises", as Erik puts it... :)
