Here’s something worth mentioning: I spotted my first grey hairs the other day. Exactly two of them. My better half was laughing with joy thinking I’ll soon catch up with her. No chance there, darling!
This came a bit of a surprise. Judging by the appearance of my family, I didn’t think I was genetically inclined to get grey hair, at least not yet. Anyway, whatever the causes it looks like it’s here and it’s here to stay.
But when I had some time to actually think about it, I realised my grey hair didn’t come too early at all. It’s all part of the natural process we call aging. A fairly slow chain of small changes that most of us fail to notice. And when we do, we panic! So, some of us go on the search for the legendary Fountain of Youth. Others, start drinking “aloe vera – sweet potato – Q10” cocktails.
It’s quite interesting that in all my years in school, I wasn’t taught much about aging. Or maybe, I just didn’t listen because I didn’t care. But now, I do! So in trying to monitor these changes, I made this list with a few things that are noticeably different. I’m not talking about changes in behaviour or thinking, as this will open Pandora’s Box. These are physical changes.
- I’m slower. I can see this clearly when I play sports. I can’t run, or turn or stop as quickly as I used to.
- I’m forgetful. And I keep forgetting these important dates, when I’m supposed to buy flowers, or go somewhere romantic.
- I’ve got quite a few wrinkles. Enough to get me anti-wrinkle creams for Christmas.
- I need less sleep. Maybe because I’ve got more things to worry about.
- Aches for no apparent reasons.
- I’m always tired.
- I’ve got two grey hairs
But it’s not all doom and gloom. There’s always the chance that Aubrey de Grey is right. And of course, look at George Clooney. He’s got grey hair, hasn’t he?